
Vuze - это популярная программа для работы в Peer 2 Peer сети BitTorrent со значительно более богатым ассортиментом функций, чем фирменный клиент сети. По большому счету все богатство функционала заключается в более продвинутом подходе к управлению закачками, чему способствует симпатичный и удобный интерфейс. Немаловажным достоинством является наличие функций трекера — возможность поиска torrent файлов. Стоит упомянуть поддержку плагинов, кои можно скачать с сайта разработчика.

Features of Vuze:
- Multiple torrent downloads
- Upload and download speed limiting, both globally and per torrent
- Advanced seeding rules
- Adjustable disk cache
- Only uses one port for all the torrents
- UPnP sets the forward on your router
- Can use a proxy, for both tracker and peer communications
- Fast resume
- Can set a default download dir and move completed files
- Can import torrents automatically from a set dir
- Highly customizable interface
- IRC plugin included for quick help
- Embedded tracker, host your own torrents, automate your shares (periodic scanning of a dir)...
- Distributed Hash Table: host on it a completely decentralised torrent and/or benefit from it when the tracker is offline.
Many useful plugins are available:
- Auto-adjustment of your upload and download speeds according to your network charge with Autospeed
- Auto-download torrents with RSS Feed Scanner
- Schedule upload and download speed limits with Speed Scheduler
- Receive a mail when a download finishes with Status Mailer
- Add numerous info on torrents (Extra seeding columns, Country Locator)
- Remote control Azureus through the Swing Web Interface or the HTML Web Interface
Changes in Vuze
- Core |Support per-url config for http seeds and max_speed setting [Parg]
- Plug |Start of a fallback magnet lookup service [Parg]
- UI |Clicking on dock icon always opens main window [TuxPaper]
- Core |Parse hex-encoded magnet URIs too [The 8472]
- Core |Immediate-close option for tracker socket connections [Parg]
- Core |Return IP address instead of DNS names for external seeds [Parg]
- Core |Support more non-conformant RSS feed dates [Parg]
- Core |Auto-speed bias towards min ping times rather than pure average [Parg]
- Core |Reverted socket handling to initial 1.6 fix status to fix with network binding/stall problems [Parg]
- Core |Added option to disable all IPv6 support and defaulted to 'disable' on OSX as some users experiencing crash when enabled [Parg]
- Plug |Don't cause all dht torrents to perform an 'announce' when 'pause-all' selected [Parg]
- Plug |Webplugin config section override was using the wrong variable prefix [Parg]
- UI |Fixed name column sort [TuxPaper]
- UI |(OSX) Fixed opening .vuze files when client isn't running [TuxPaper]
- UI |Fixed table view not loading (showing gray area) sometimes [TuxPaper]
- UI |(Windows) "Open Containing Folder" in default "folder association" app [TuxPaper]
- UI |(*nix) Fixed name column blanking [TuxPaper]
- UI |(OSX) Fixed Password option hanging UI [TuxPaper]
- UI |Fixed sidebar font sizes (mostly for *nix) [TuxPaper]
- UI |(OSX) Opening .torrent file when "Add Silently" is enable should no longer activate the main window [TuxPaper]
- UI |Fix losing cursor indication on Sashes (and other widgets) [TuxPaper]
- UI |Sidebar now accepts dropping torrents [TuxPaper]
Скачать программу Vuze (7,8 МБ):
Wincode 21/11/09 Просмотров: 2539