Данные и диски

FolderSizes Pro 5.0.51

Эта программа позволит вам провести проверку жестких дисков на наличие на них свободного места. Если вы никак не можете понять, почему места осталось так мало, запустите FolderSizes Pro, и программа создаст для вас полный отчет. Программа сгенерирует диаграммы, которые наглядно покажет, какие папки занимают больше всего места. Среди возможностей программы: Распечатка отчетов, экспорт их в HTML; Экспорт диаграмм в файлы JPEG, PNG, BMP или TIFF; Система создания отчетов по типам файлов, которые занимают больше всего места.

Некоторые особенности:

  • Иерархическая структура отображения данных (на основе технологии TreeMap)
  • Интегрированный планировщик заданий
  • Быстрая, многопоточная проверка файловой системы
  • Обзор использования дискового пространства по типу файлов и атрибутам
  • Обзор сети и дискового пространства по владельцу и группе
  • Поддержка командной строки
  • Экспорт отчетов в HTML, XML (Pro Edition), CSV и т.д.
  • Интеграция с контекстным меню оболочки Windows
  • Просмотр общего и свободного пространства для стационарных, съемных и сетевых дисков
  • Экспорт диаграмм в файлы JPEG, PNG, BMP или TIFF;
  • Система создания отчетов по типам файлов, которые занимают больше всего места.

What's New in This Release:

  • Feature: Native 64-bit support (in addition to the existing 32-bit support) dramatically increases the scalability of FolderSizes within enterprise environments. Note that running the 64-bit version of FolderSizes requires a 64-bit processor and Windows operating system.
  • Feature: Overall performance has been greatly enhanced. Core analytical and thread models have been re-engineered for improved performance.
  • Feature: A completely overhauled in-memory database model provides superior tracking of all file system objects that have been analyzed.
  • Feature: It is now possible to re-load file system analysis data that was previously saved in XML format.
  • Feature: FolderSizes now has the ability to compare current file system analysis data with existing data (loaded from a previously saved XML scan file).
  • Feature: A new scan data explorer docking panel is available, providing a powerful new way to navigate (and act upon) the data that FolderSizes stores about the file system nodes it analyzes. With this new feature, it is now possible to view multiple file system root paths from the perspective of a single virtual root.
  • Feature: Excluded folders have been merged into the scan filtering user interface, and now are saved and loaded along with other scan filter criteria. Folder exclusions now also use an improved wildcard pattern matching engine, and can optionally be case sensitive.
  • Feature: A new report summary area has been introduced, providing detailed insight into any file system object(s) selected in the detail report. When multiple objects are selected, a summary of their totals and date ranges is displayed in the docking properties window.
  • Feature: The main analysis window now supports the entry of multiple paths, which will be scanned in succession. Users can enter multiple paths directly into the path input box (separating each of them with a pipe symbol) or use the multiple path manager window to browse for multiple paths individually. FolderSizes will detect when multiple paths are being analyzed, and will automatically bring the new scan data explorer docking pane into view in such cases, allowing the user to see (and navigate) the entire hierarchy of paths being analyzed.
  • Feature: Main window toolbar has been replaced with new ribbon-style tabbed command bar. This new command interface exposes richer controls, provides better organization (including smart resizing), and improves accessibility. All other window toolbars (e.g. search, file reports, etc.) have also been updated.
  • Feature: All window status bars have been re-designed with new, more informative and consistent indicator areas and intelligent use of available screen space.
  • Feature: The folder browser docking panel now supports keyboard navigation, and behaves more like Windows Explorer in various situations (selection state when closing an expanded node, etc.).
  • Feature: All file system node tooltips have been overhauled to show more information in an improved format, and are also now more pervasive and consistent.
  • Feature: A rich, new graphical view now appears when "My Computer" is selected within the Folder Browser panel. It also provides a simple mechanism for initiating the scan of multiple drives. Printing support has also been added.
  • Feature: Drive space data (as utilized by the Drive Space docking panel and "My Computer" views) is now collected on a separate thread, eliminating potential slowdowns in some circumstances and improving consistency amongst various views.
  • Feature: The main FolderSizes detail report view has been completely overhauled. Enhancements include:
    1. Vastly improved printing and print previewing.
    2. A powerful new file / folder properties area that shows data about current selection(s).
    3. Improved application theme support.
    4. A new column chooser mechanism, making detail view column management easier and more flexible.
    5. Support for column alignment customization.
    6. Improved column sizing for better use of available screen real estate.
    7. Many other enhancements.
  • Feature: Bar graph drawing tolerances have been sharpened, with improved use of space overall. Horizontal label areas now resize themselves dynamically.
  • Feature: The main window bar, pie, and map graphs are now contained within independent docking panels for increased flexibility and customization support.
  • Feature: Error handling has been greatly improved across all file system analysis mechanisms, and error reporting has been enhanced significantly. There is now a common event log viewer with common access semantics and better usability (e.g. sorting, etc.).
  • Feature: On Windows Vista and later, new-style file and folder browser dialogs are used to select folder paths in various locations throughout the application.
  • Feature: The map graph has been improved substantially, and now better supports visualizing blocks of space consumed by files (not just folders). Performance has also been improved significantly.
  • Feature: The logic used to determine folder reparse point (symbolic link and junction) traversal safety has been greatly improved. Link targets are now fully resolved and compared against their parent folder path.
  • Feature: Scan filter system has been completely overhauled, and now provides the ability to specify multiple rules - each with their own match criteria. Scan filter rules can now also be specified for folders, with full include / exclude support and natural hierarchical result rendering.
  • Feature: The search facility also now uses rules-based criteria, similar to that used by scan filtering. The key difference is that search rules control what files and folders are returned as search results, whereas scan filtering controls what portions of the file system are analyzed.
  • Feature: Scan filtering can now be applied to searches for additional control over the scope of file system enumeration during the search process. Search scan filters are saved as part of the current search job (which can be written to / loaded from file). This feature also allows FolderSizes to provide seamless drill-down from many File Reports when the user double-clicks a detail item.
  • Feature: It is now possible to choose which columns are shown in every File Report detail view (by right-clicking the list header). This, in turn, affects the output of File Report data export operations (only visible columns will be exported).
  • Feature: The product "welcome wizard" has been overhauled to produce a richer, more useful introduction to FolderSizes.
  • Feature: There is now a switch (in graph section of options window) that causes all graphs to be rendered using allocated size (e.g. "size on disk").
  • Feature: A new command line switch, "/saveeventlog" can be used to save logged events to file. See help file for usage details. Note that if the "/date" command line option is used, the event log path will be appended with the current date and time.
  • Feature: The multiple path manager dialog window has been re-designed to be more usable, and enhanced with additional features such as the ability to save and load path sets to / from file.
  • Feature: Enhanced task scheduling to include support for multiple scan paths, as well as saving logged events to file.
  • Feature: Multiple enhancements to the FilterZip tool, including improvements in progress display window, retention of job state between uses, and a handful of bug fixes.
  • Feature: The default XSLT file that ships with FolderSizes has numerous improvements, including display of summary data and full disk space information. Overall formatting has also been improved.
  • Feature: All export file formats have been enhanced to improve consistency of data and formatting. Export performance has also been improved, and is supplemented by a progress indicator for all export file types.
  • Feature: Deletion of file and folder objects from within FolderSizes has been greatly enhanced, with smart consolidation of target objects and improved Windows shell services integration. FolderSizes also now does a much better job of reflecting such changes throughout its file system hierarchy database.
  • Feature: Product options window has been re-organized and improved (resizable, scrolling panes, theme support, etc.) and supplemented with additional options.
  • Feature: Overall theme support has been improved, with better consistency and appearance throughout the application.
  • Feature: FolderSizes no longer forces adminstrative elevation on Windows Vista and later when the executing user has a linked security token. On Windows Vista and later, a new "Run as Admin" ribbon bar command button will be enabled if the executing user is not already running elevated. As an added convenience, a special application shortcut also provides elevated execution capability (again, Windows Vista and later only).
  • Feature: Rename via right-click context menu is now supported in all file reports and search results.
  • Feature: Added "calculated" modified, accessed, and created date / time fields to the main detail view. These columns report the most recent date / time in the folder hierarchy, rather than the actual date / time reported by the Windows file system.
  • Feature: Added the ability to find the deepest folder nesting from within the scan data explorer tree.
  • Feature: When scanning multiple root nodes from within the main application window, separate threads are used to perform the analysis. This can result in greatly improved performance, particularly when the paths relate to distinct logical I/O channels (e.g. separate local drives, multiple network shares, etc.).
  • Feature: Added support for login and password to update checker proxy configuration. The authentication method will be determined automatically.
  • Feature: Added the ability to search one or more target folders using FolderSizes via the detail view right-click context menu.
  • Feature: Added the ability to load rules only from within search window. This feature will extract search rules from the target search job (.xml) file, but leave existing paths and scan filter settings alone.
  • Feature: Support for dragging and dropping of paths into FolderSizes has been greatly enhanced. Users can now drag and drop paths from Windows shell (and other apps) into the FolderSizes main window (anywhere), the file report generator window (anywhere), the search window (paths list box), or the multiple path manager window (anywhere). Support for multiple paths has also been added in all of these cases.
  • Bug fix: Now reporting aggregate search result size using "size on disk", rather than just flat file size.
  • Bug fix: Altered bar graph drawing routines to eliminate potential for minor visual artifacts under certain circumstances.
  • Bug fix: The folder browser panel no longer attempts to enumerate the contents of .zip archive files, which cause app startup delays in some circumstances.
  • Bug fix: Resolved issue with item selection in search / temp file detail listings when column sort changed.


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Bukkollaider 15/08/10 Просмотров: 2310
kbasil 17 августа 2010, 07:05:32

spacesniffer в разы удобней и лучше

DeNoo7 18 августа 2010, 10:34:31

Спасибки за совет!!!...а прога действительно не ах(

22111954 16 августа 2010, 10:46:39

It's Good

beg5555 16 августа 2010, 07:13:28

архибесполезная штука

Codename87 16 августа 2010, 03:07:07

прога для чайников

runich 16 августа 2010, 03:02:35

спасибо большое! всё работает!