Art Text 2.4
Art Text — программа для создания высококачественной текстовой графики, такой как: тексты заголовков, элементы веб-сайта и кнопок, логотипы, иконки и другое. Программа позволяет преобразовать любой текст или векторное изображение в яркую графику высочайшего качества.
В состав библиотеки включено более полусотни готовых стилей, около 300 пиктограмм. Art Text предоставляет большие возможности по заливке контуров изображениями, текстурами и градиентами, комбинированию текста с фоновым изображением, а также вписыванию надписей в контур, создаваемый с помощью кривых Безье.
Программа позволяет экспортировать изображение в буфер обмена или графические файлы, форматов TIFF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, GIF, EPS и др.
Key Features
- Multiple layers supported.
- LinkBack technology supported.
- Export into a file or clipboard in TIFF, JPEG, PDF, EPS, GIFF and PNG formats.
- Multi-Touch trackpad gestures supported.
- Ability to print the created artwork.
- English, German, French, Spanish and Japanese localizations available.
- 300+ ready made templates that will enrich your text and web documents.
- 100+ pre-designed styles aimed at the quick creation of headings, icons, logos and web buttons.
- 600 supplied vector icons and shapes with the ability to use your own.
- 100 additional fonts (retail edition only).
- The Shading Pro tool offers over 245 ready-made surface materials and the ability to create your own one.
- Collection of 190+ supplied textures.
- Adjustable shadow and glow effects.
- Radial and Linear gradient options.
- Color or texture fill capability.
- Unlimited strokes allow to outline text or artwork with different colors.
- Warp text using 22 adjustable vector transformation shapes or Bezier splines.
- Several layers can be selected and edited simultaneously.
- Blend Modes allow layers to overlap each other with different effects, helping to mask or partially shade images.
- Flip, rotate and control the opacity of objects.
- Split into Letters sends all of the letters of a word to different layers.
- Extract a Letter(s) allows you to select any portion of a word and extract it to a new layer.
- Multiline text support.
What's New in This Release:
- Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and its features, such as full-screen mode and versions, are now supported;
- 60+ new templates and shading materials;
- Introduced the ability to split or edit shapes consisting of combined layers;
- Added two new transformation types;
- Improved shading materials;
- Improved user experience in Edit as Shape dialog;
- Several assistant issues fixed;
- Solved the issue with Revert button in Custom shape editor dialog;
- Several issues of Layers Panel dialog has been resolved;
- Fixed the problem with tiled texture fill when an object is rotated.
System Requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion compatible.
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