Fuduntu 2013.1
Команда Fuduntu Team выпустила релиз Fuduntu 2013.1 – ежеквартальное обновление дистрибутива GNU/Linux, оптимизированного для работы на нетбуках и иных портативных компьютерах. Он представляет собой нечто среднее между Ubuntu и Fedora. Среди индивидуальных особенностей дистрибутива - переработанное оформление рабочего стола, добавление патчей и настроек, направленных на повышение производительности и понижение энергопотребления.
![Fuduntu 2013](/media/files/u614910/07/2013_01_08_201240.jpg)
Стандартная установка включает в себя:
- Chromium
- LibreOffice
- Thunderbird
- Adobe Flash (licensed)
- Fluendo MP3 Codec (licensed)
- Infinality Freetype
- Nautilus Elementary
![Fuduntu 2013](/media/files/u614910/07/2013_01_08_201641.jpg)
Что нового в этой версии:
For those with hardware that use proprietary drivers, one of the first things that will be noticed after install is Jockey, the program that checks hardware and presents the user with the proprietary driver(s) needed. An example of this would be graphics drivers for nVidia and AMD cards.
Since we’re on the topic of installation, we would like to point out that, by default, sudo is now enabled for all new installs.
Another noticeable thing will be the new dock. Unfortunately, AWN is no longer being maintained upstream and there are several bugs that have been left open. In addition, AWN will no longer build against the latest glib. After much discussion, the team decided to migrate to the Cairo dock. This is now installed by default.
For those that are upgrading from current installs, the new dock will install from normal updates but will not be enabled. To use the new dock after receiving fuduntu-cairo-dock in your updates, just go to System > Preferences > Bottom Panel Chooser and select Dock. To configure the Cairo dock, just right-click the dock, go to Cairo-Dock and choose Configure and have fun. For those that do move to Cairo, please remove avant-window-navigator and awn-extras-applets manually. The easiest way is with sudo rpm -e avant-window-navigator awn-extras-applets.
As many may have already seen, Jupiter development has been halted. Over the last two years, Jupiter has become redundant with upstream fixes. The last few things that remain have been forked, packaged as ktune, and will be installed by default.
Netflix! Netflix is now on Fuduntu. As stated in an earlier announcement, using the development tree of WINE and a new patch that allows for Silverlight to work in WINE, Netflix is now available on Fuduntu by simply installing netflix-desktop and then running it from Applications > Sound & Video > Netflix Desktop.
Steam recently announced that Steam for Linux is now in public beta. In addition to that, Valve has authorized us to distribute the Steam Linux package to our users and host it in our repositories. Our own m4t3us has posted about his experience in using Steam on Linux. After several years of the “Is Steam coming to Linux” questions, we can say “yes!” and our community can now install it themselves by installing the “steam” package.
As many people have seen, Enlightenment 17 has finally been released. While it will not be installed by default, it is available for install from the repositories by installing the fuduntu-enlightenment metapackage.
WINE has been upgraded to the 1.5 release, specifically 1.5.18. WINE 1.5.18 includes various fixes including, but not limited to: various Windows Codecs improvements, fixes for OLE database support, improvements to system parameters management, fixes to the built-in web browser, fixes for XML support and many various bug fixes.
QEMU 1.0.1 is now available in the stable repository! So, for all of you out there that prefer QEMU for your virtualization goodness, it is now ready for install.
We are also happy to announce that we now have support for nVidia Optimus. This is done with the Bumblebee project which is now available in the stable repositories.
Also included in 2013.1:
- Kernel 3.6.9
- Gimp 2.8.2
- Thunderbird 17.0
- Firefox 17.0
- Chromium 23.0.1271.97
- VLC 2.0.5
- Xorg 1.12
![Fuduntu 2013](/media/files/u614910/07/2013_01_08_201842.jpg)
Системные требования:
- Процессор: 900 мегагерц (МГц) или больше.
- ОЗУ: 384 мегабайт (МБ) для 32-разрядной версии или 1 ГБ для 64-разрядной версии.
- Свободное место на жестком диске: 5 гигабайт (ГБ) для 32-разрядной версии или 6 ГБ для 64-разрядной версии.
SHA1 Sums:
- 32-Bit: c2453c2bad9ada86859ef393d56afdde06837371
- 64-Bit: 20eb89bc61830a21e8827f5e63179cbb7f44560c
Скачать образ Fuduntu 2013.1 x86 (957 МБ):
Скачать образ Fuduntu 2013.1 x64 (959 МБ):
жаль, что Enlightenment 17 не по дефолту
На меня Enlightenment 17 не произвел впечатления, правда пользовался им совсем недолго на Bodhi Linux.
Gnome 2 остается вне конкуренции!
Елки-палки, а только-только настроил Ubuntu Gnome 12.10... 2 дня назад поставил бы для теста.
Кстати, а нет возможности забекапить Убунту, а потом восстановить? Акронис справится?
Акронис не знаю,а вот нортон хост думаю забэкапит.Призраку по моему всё равно какая файловая система![smile](/media/imgs/smiles/smile.gif)
Clonezilla получше будет
Kurai Дык так назвали
Оперативы около 350 кушает.Мне понравилась.
Сегодня на неё такие цены, что нет смысла на ней экономить и искать всякие кастрированные ОСи