JAlbum 11.0

Jalbum - программа для автоматического создания веб-галерей. Для этого достаточно мышкой перетащить в окно программы папку с картинками, и она сгенерирует галерею с уменьшенными копиями изображений (или Slide-Show вариант). Впрочем, возможен и ручной режим работы с полным контролем над создаваемым проектом, в том числе с использованием имеющихся фильтров изображений, настройкой стилей, использованием данных IPTC/EXIF и т.п.

Чтобы бесплатно воспользоваться хостингом производителя для публикации проектов, нужно зарегистрировать имя и почтовый адрес. В утилите представлено несколько шаблонов и скинов, а на сайте разработчика доступна целая коллекция.

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7 и 8.
Изменения в версии 11.0:
- Converts over 160 video formats suitable for the web (mp4)
- Auto detects and adjusts video orientation
- Allows videos to be rotated
- Videos can have their start and end trimmed
- Generates preview images for videos
- Supported video formats are configurable under preferences. There is also a master switch to enable/disable video support under Preferences
- Now smart enough to pick the latest skin version from disk, be it either a bundled skin or an installed skin (Previously just picked an installed skin, if present)
- If skin related error occurs, a friendly error dialogue is now displayed helping users to update skin and report errors. (Switch on debug mode to get the classic error dialogue)
- New license info panel under "About jAlbum" window
- Bundled the Arty ("Instagram" like effects) and AutoCorrection image tools
- Support for rotating all images, not just images coming straight from digital cameras (having EXIF data)
- Tags published albums containing processed videos with a "video" tag
- If unexpected internal errors occur (stuff printed to System.err), will display a small warning icon in the lower right corner. Clicking it will bring up the error message in the System console.
- Remembers divider location, if "Remember window position and size" set
- New pro looking program icons
- New 128x128 web icon set
- Minor user interface adjustments
- Includes updates to Turtle, Base, Mr.Burns and Lumen skins
- Clicking the thumbnail icon for the current album project will leave edit mode and return you to the thumbnail view (and root folder)
- Developers: Now sets closeupPath for supported videos to slide page to enable embedded videos
- Developers: New API for unzipping and downloading
- Developers: Added the skin variables "videoWidth" and "videoHeight", that will give you the dimensions of the processed/final video (only present if video support is switched on)
- Developers: Added file category support (fileCategory variable)
- Developers: Blur filter now accepts different radius/strength
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug causing editing of moved objects to break
- Fix for nullpointer exception bug when painting thumbnails
- Fix for custom image size error (custom maxImageWidth etc ignored when generating variables)
- Fix to error linking to non existent slide pages
- Fixed bug causing style hints to sometimes not being applied
- Fixed "Invalid code" error when activating license
- Fixed folder ordering bug for folders ending in a space
- Fixed bug where folder thumbnails did not always have the movie thumbnail painted right
- Handles cases where Apache Sanselan can't include xmp metadata in generated hi-res images during upload
- Fixed bug causing infinite loop when enlarging images
- Various minor fixes
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